Update Robert Tully KA5EOS SK W5KSU Michael now Trustee of Repeater

UPDATE: We just received confirmation that Michael Campbell W5KSU has taken over this machine (147.105 +600 no pl) and it is operational at a site in Guthrie (Logan County). The call on the machine was changed from KA5EOS to W5KSU.

We received notice from his son Michael K5KZV that Robert unexpectedly became a silent key on May 5, 2013. Robert was the long time trustee of the KA5EOS 147.105 repeater located at Guthrie. The Tully family wants the repeater to stay on the air, so they have turned it over to Michael Campbell W5KSU. The ORSI board extends our deepest condolences to the Tully family over the passing of Robert. The repeater will come back on the air soon as the W5KSU repeater on 147.105 still operating from the same location as it always has.