What is RSS?
RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is simply a Web-based newsreader-style way of keeping track of new content from some of your favorite sites. Using special reader plug-ins (you'll have to download one or install a plug-in to your browser) you can view an aggregation of headlines and blurbs from dozens of different Websites. You add these Websites as channels. Every headline, in every channel, is linked back to full article on the originating site. More details:
Here's a primer on RSS and A history of RSS.
How to I read these feeds?
Download and install any RSS reader (like Amphetadesk, Radio Userland, etc.). Google provides a browser based Google Reader. You can find an extended list of them at blogspace.com/rss/readers.
Oklahoma Repeater Society RSS Feeds
Look for this RSS icon, , usually found at the bottom of the home page, or simply enter this URL, http://oklahomarepeatersociety.org/rss.xml, in any of the reader's manual "add a channel" interfaces.