Mid-Oklahoma Repeater inc.has transferred control of all of their repeaters to the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center Amateur Radio Club. Steve AE5OU is the trustee, all of these repeaters are operating under the W5PAA call sign. ORSI frequency coordinator Merlin WB5OSM is working with MMACARC officials to get their repeater data up to date in the ORSI database.
A couple of announcements from the Spring ORSI membership meeting
Submitted by wb5osm on Mon, 04/26/2010 - 14:45NE District Officer and ORSI secretary Bob Buford W5RAB resigned - retired. We appreciate the years of dedicated service. His replacement as NE District Officer was elected, we'll introduce him later. The secretary position is currently vacant.
The way the officer positions are determined:
President, elected by the membership, and is an at large position.
The district officers are elected by the membership, but must live within the district they represent. Then three of the officers are appointed by the president and sort of volunteer to serve as treasurer, vice-president, and secretary. The other three officers serve with the president on a coordination oversight committee to help resolve any controversies or interference issues.
Merlin Griffin
vice-president and frequency coordinator