We are in the process of contacting trustees whose repeaters had a status of OPERATIONAL at the last update. We have been concentrating on the SE District and that part of the project is nearly complete. I am now turning my attention to the NE District. However, you don't have to wait for us to send you a letter or an email as I am doing in some cases. You may use the on-line update tool here on the web page, or you can simply drop an email to the coordinator and let me know of any changes to your system, or one that says your system is still on that air, and nothing has changed.
Submitted by wb5osm on Thu, 10/04/2012 - 13:29W5WJL Dempsey Coop Trustee of 146.625 @ Wilburton Now SK
Submitted by wb5osm on Sat, 08/18/2012 - 10:09ORSI has just learned of the passing of Dempsey W5WJL the trustee of the 146.625 repeater in Wilburton, Latimer County, SE District.
ORSI has Learned that Rick K5RWX is now a Silent Key
Submitted by wb5osm on Sun, 06/24/2012 - 22:11In attempting to update his repeater listings we learned of his passing. He had coordinated some pairs in the last few years. The construction permit issued for a system on 443.125 in Caddo county is cancelled. Another system he was involved with was taken over by Bryan K5GSM.
Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, A Change of Plans
Submitted by wb5osm on Sun, 06/24/2012 - 21:49I met with officials from TARC this weekend, and they have decided that they will go ahead and keep their 145.11 pair and put it back on the air from the site they coordinated slightly SW of its old location in downtown Tulsa. They lost access to the original site because of an irreconcilable dispute with the site manager. Which is getting to be a familiar story in the Tulsa Metro Area.
New information concerning Lincoln County Repeater Systems updated 6/17/2012
Submitted by wb5osm on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 10:20We are granting a construction permit to KC5NIC to place a FM repeater transmitting on 146.835 MHz PL 100.0 in Prague (Lincoln county). He will also be putting a repeater operating on 443.375 from the same site.
KD5JIM trustee for NORA now SK
Submitted by wb5osm on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 18:03ORSI has learned that the trustee for Northern Oklahoma Radio Amateurs, NORA; Jim Welch KD5JIM has become a silent key. Mr. John Schlosser W5GFI has stepped up to take over as the trustee and point of contact for their repeaters. They are located in Vinita, Craig county in our NE district. They also agreed to sell their 146.73 repeater and transfer the pair to another group. They will maintain control and operation of the long established 147.36 in Craig county as well as their 444.375 repeater.