We are sorry we couldn't get the word out any better or earlier. Since we lost our meeting place in Stillwater and the Green Country Hamfest moving to April things got a little disorganized. Apparently the old Sirloin Stockade in Stillwater is being bull-dozed to become a new Taco Bell for Stillwater. What a downgrade! Over here in Tulsa an iconic hamburger joint, Arnold's Old Fashioned Hamburgers, a fixture in West Tulsa for decades, is being bull-dozed for new Taco Bell. However, West Tulsa could not do without their Arnolds, so the owner was offered a new location a few blocks away.
Content related to ORSI meetings or participation in hamfests.
Not Enough in Attendance at the Enid Hamfest for a Quorum
Submitted by wb5osm on Tue, 11/05/2019 - 06:39ORSI Spring Meeting May 9 in Stillwater
Submitted by wb5osm on Mon, 04/13/2015 - 00:11Attention all coordination holders and other interested parties, the Oklahoma Repeater Society will hold it's spring 2015 meeting on Saturday May 9 at 12:00 PM. The meeting will be at the Sirloin Stockade 208 N Perkins Rd in Stillwater OK 74075. 145.39 -600 or TARC Super-System for talk-in. You can text or call 918.520.7668 or email wb5osm@sbcglobal.net for more information.
If you wish to eat lunch during the meeting, Sirloin Stockade is an AYCE buffet style restaurant carrying a wide variety of food and includes a salad bar with the meal.
Next ORSI meeting in NOVEMBER Change of Plans
Submitted by wb5osm on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 19:58The Fall 2014 ORSI membership meeting will be held in conjunction with the Enid Hamfest. November 1. Admission is only $2.00. See http://www.enidarc.org/enidhamfest on the web for more information.