The purpose of the Society is

  • To render public service through Amateur Radio, and
  • To gather and disseminate information concerning Amateur radio operation especially in the frequency modulation mode and repeater operation, and
  • To coordinate efforts and establish standards in regard to repeater systems and associated functions, and
  • To associate with groups similarly constituted in order to broaden the scope and function of Amateur Radio as a service in the public interest, convenience or necessity, and
  • To encourage experimentation by the Society members in advanced techniques in the use of repeaters in order that the general technical excellence of repeater systems shall be improved, and
  • To provide a forum for discussion of spectrum utilization and the achievement of maximum compatibility between various users of the Amateur Radio Bands.

Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, A Change of Plans

I met with officials from TARC this weekend, and they have decided that they will go ahead and keep their 145.11 pair and put it back on the air from the site they coordinated slightly SW of its old location in downtown Tulsa. They lost access to the original site because of an irreconcilable dispute with the site manager. Which is getting to be a familiar story in the Tulsa Metro Area.

New information concerning Lincoln County Repeater Systems updated 6/17/2012

We are granting a construction permit to KC5NIC to place a FM repeater transmitting on 146.835 MHz PL 100.0 in Prague (Lincoln county). He will also be putting a repeater operating on 443.375 from the same site.

KD5JIM trustee for NORA now SK

ORSI has learned that the trustee for Northern Oklahoma Radio Amateurs, NORA; Jim Welch KD5JIM has become a silent key. Mr. John Schlosser W5GFI has stepped up to take over as the trustee and point of contact for their repeaters. They are located in Vinita, Craig county in our NE district. They also agreed to sell their 146.73 repeater and transfer the pair to another group. They will maintain control and operation of the long established 147.36 in Craig county as well as their 444.375 repeater.

443.25 machine in Mayes county was De-Coordinated

There is no evidence that this repeater is on the air. We are unable to contact the trustee by email, or U. S. Mail. No one has came forward to claim the machine, give us any contact info on the trustee, or state any objection to us de-listing this repeater. Therefore the coordination is dropped.

Merlin Griffin WB5OSM
vice-president and Frequency Coordinator
Oklahoma Repeater Society inc.


Duane Henderson KC5NID of Mooreland from our NW District stepped up an agreed to serve as our president, replacing Scott Baker WA5A of Edmond who has served admirably for the last several years. Duane is former president of Tri-State Amateur Radio Group, and has served on various boards and committees. So he is no stranger to leadersip roles inside and outside of amateur radio. I am sure we will hear much more from him in the future. He is a close known associate of our NW District Officer Jay K5GUD, we won't hold that against him. Although I think Jay probably warned him.

Repeater Information Update Request

A general information change request for a single coordinated repeater record to be submitted by the trustee. Refer to coordination guidelines for more information. Your request will be sent to the coordinator, and a copy will be sent to your email address.
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