KD5DRW/R Is now fully operational with an 88.5 PL tone and open to all.
A n Updated Database to be Posted Soon
Submitted by wb5osm on Thu, 02/02/2023 - 20:05I know it has been some time since I updated the repeater listings on the web-site. It's been some time since we had an ORSI meeting. The pandemic curtailed meetings, and we lost our meeting place in Stillwater when the Sirloin Stockade closed down. We may see if we can get some time at Ham Holiday this year. Green Country Hamfest is coming up soon, but they are short on meeting space, so it's usually kind of out there. I will be in attendance there and have the computer with me if you have updates on your repeater systems.
Elk City 444.525 UHF machine to Change PL Tones
Submitted by wb5osm on Sat, 05/07/2022 - 22:15The WX5BSA 444.525 repeater near Elk City switched from an 88.5 Hz PL tone to 141.3 Hz. This was at the request of Dan K5FVL who has a repeater on the same frequency at Stillwater which likewise used an 88.5 PL tone. The Stillwater machine is part of the TARC Supersystem which is a network of linked repeaters covering eastern Oklahoma and Northwest Arkansas. This link system is vital to support the Eastern Oklahoma - Northwest Arkansas Skywarn net. That in turn supports the National Weather Service Forecast Office during severe weather.
Tulsa 146.805 & 444.95 Off the Air Indefinetly
Submitted by wb5osm on Sat, 05/07/2022 - 21:12After about 40 years at the site near 71st and Yale in Tulsa, the new owner of the building wanted an excessive amount of rent for the equipment to stay at the site, so it was removed along with a low power FM station owned and operated by a non-profit amateur radio group. The Tulsa Repeater Organization, and the Electron Benders are currently seeking a new site for all three systems. The LPFM station cannot move north of 41st street.
Not Enough in Attendance at the Enid Hamfest for a Quorum
Submitted by wb5osm on Tue, 11/05/2019 - 06:39We are sorry we couldn't get the word out any better or earlier. Since we lost our meeting place in Stillwater and the Green Country Hamfest moving to April things got a little disorganized. Apparently the old Sirloin Stockade in Stillwater is being bull-dozed to become a new Taco Bell for Stillwater. What a downgrade! Over here in Tulsa an iconic hamburger joint, Arnold's Old Fashioned Hamburgers, a fixture in West Tulsa for decades, is being bull-dozed for new Taco Bell. However, West Tulsa could not do without their Arnolds, so the owner was offered a new location a few blocks away.
Green Country Hamfest is April 10-11 2020 in Claremore Registration Begins in January
Submitted by wb5osm on Tue, 01/29/2019 - 21:33The 2020 Green Country Hamfest, ARRL Oklahoma Section Convention will be held April 10-11 2020 back at the Claremore Expo Center. 400 Veterans Parkway in Claremore, Rogers County. Claremore is about a 20 min drive NE of Tulsa. Prize package yet to be determined. Last year we sold completely out of flea market tables and dealer booths. So we plan to try to add some more tables. Registration will open by mid-January. Admission prices will be same as last year $8.00 in advance and $10.00 at the door. Commercial Booths $50.00 each and includes admission.